Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

Check out VINE's latest cooking show!

VINE Sanctuary provides a haven for animals who have escaped or been
rescued from the meat, dairy and egg industries or other abusive
circumstances, such as cockfighting. Sanctuary residents include
chickens, cows, ducks, doves, geese, pigeons, horses, and even a few

In addition to sheltering and advocating for animals, we conduct
research and education aimed at creating systemic changes in
agriculture, trade, and consumption as well as human attitudes about
animals and the environment.

We work within an ecofeminist understanding of the interconnection of
all life and the intersection of all forms of oppression. Thus we
welcome and work to facilitate alliances among animal, environmental,
and social justice activists.

VINE Sanctuary (formerly Eastern Shore Sanctuary) began as a small
chicken sanctuary in 2000 and has expanded organically since,
maintaining our core commitments while steadily widening the sphere of
our work.

Eastern Shore Sanctuary (now VINE Sanctuary) was the first to figure
out how to rehabilitate roosters used in cockfighting and continues to
both shelter and advocate for these birds, who are victims of both
sexism and speciesism.

Thinking about factory farming, climate change, and all of the many
ways people are recklessly cruel to each other and other animals, it’s
easy to feel discouraged. But there are so many things that anybody
can do to make a difference!

Subscribe to our blog to stay up-to-date on rescues and other news.

VINE Sanctuary is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt non-profit organization. Please
give generously if you can. Writing to is the
best way to contact us. But please do feel free to call 802-885-4017
if you need advice or assistance with an animal care or animal rescue

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