Dr. Casey Taft ARZone Vegfest UK Interview

Casey is co-owner of Vegan Publishers and Professor of Psychiatry at Boston University School of Medicine.

He’s an internationally recognised psychologist and clinical researcher, winning prestigious awards for his work. He has published over 100 journal articles, book chapters, and scientific reports, and has recently authored “Millennial Vegan,” “Motivational Methods for Animal Advocacy,” and “Trauma-Informed Treatment and Prevention of Intimate Partner Violence.” Casey spoke with us about trauma and bullying inside the animal movement, about goal setting and why having solid goals matters, and about much more.

Casey joined us to speak about goal setting and the importance of having solid goals to work toward. About abuse, bullying and trauma from within the animal movement, about how we can most effectively motivate non-vegans to become vegan, and about what we can look forward from him at Vegfest UK this year. 

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