Jeremy Hess ARZone Vegfest UK Interview

In this interview we were pleased to welcome back to ARZone, Jeremy Hess.

Jeremy is a rights-based advocate, who creates content for social media to inspire us to respect other animals and to be thoughtful about our advocacy.

He volunteers at FRIEND Farm Animal Sanctuary, writes for the Vegan Publishers Facebook page, mentors new vegans, and runs Vegan Interactions which is designed to help us find our voice by sharing ideas and supporting each other.

Jeremy is providing a space that adds to that support at Vegfest UK this year with the Vegan Activists Hub, which he hopes will give activists the opportunity to expand upon the ways we can better ourselves as advocates. We spoke with Jeremy about that initiative, about the meaning of 'animal rights', about why he has created a space for groups such as DxE and AV, and about what he hopes to accomplish at this year's Vegfest UK Brighton event.

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