Vegan Buddies

Have you recently decided to become vegan? Are you thinking about becoming vegan? If so, you may benefit from friendly contact with vegans who have been where you are going, and have seen and done many of the same things you are likely to. ARZone's Vegan Buddies group will help you get in touch with friendly vegans through email, or by talking via Skype, or even by meeting face-to-face. You may even become part of a local vegan group!

To contact a Mentor now, click here.

Perhaps you are an experienced vegan who would like to become a Vegan Buddy Mentor! Please contact us now at  

Questions from New Vegans

At the moment, ARZone are concentrating on recruiting Vegan Buddy mentors as opposed to making the ARZone Vegan Buddies initiative known to potential vegans. For now, I wonder if Vegan Buddies members can think back to when you were first vegan. Had you a resource like Vegan Buddies back then, what would you as a new vegan have asked of the experienced ones?
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    Carolyn Bailey

    I agree with you, Grace. I think it's incredibly important to stay positive on a personal level, and I think there are very few people who can be more inspiring and encouraging than Dr. Tuttle. 


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    Mo Orr

    Hi Natalia, I have never been much of a cook and buying ready made vegan food is near impossible where I live.  Dino's book The Alternative Vegan taught me more about cooking than I have ever known. The recipes are easy to follow and the food is varied.
    Natalia said:

    I haven't been a vegan for that long and I think this is a great idea. I live in Spain, where it is still not too easy being a vegan and I have been thinking of ways to promote veganism, to show people it is not that hard, but it is, if you go to a restaurant that is not vegetarian or vegan there's basically nothing to eat except for maybe potatoes or if you are lucky some grilled veggies, they barely understand the concept a lot of the time.

    I am learning how to eat but sometimes am not too sure if I am doing it right and getting everything I need. Especially I would like advice on how to eat using faux meat as little as posible.

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    ARZone Vegan Buddies

    Just a quick note to urge new mentors or group members to add their comments.