The World Peace Diet

For people who have read or want to read the book by Will Tuttle, PhD.
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  • Vera-Annelies

    My idea to increase ethical vegan awareness is to pay wages to the stay-at-home mothers for the mothering work they do.

  • Amanda

    Hi Everyone! I read the book a couple of years ago and I think the time's ripe for a re-read. Am very interested in Dr Will's ideas and had the honor of meeting him - albeit very briefly - at an event in San Francisco last year. He is someone I'd definitely like to get to know better - he exudes a wonderful energy. :)

  • Kath Worsfold

    I'm in the process of reading it too. I'm getting some great insights from this book. Are there some comments missing below, as one seems like a reply?

    Vera-Annelies, I'm not sure what stay-at-home mothers have to do with vegan awareness? If they're vegan, well and good, I hope they bring their children up that way. If they're not vegan, I wouldn't want to be paying their wages anyway, as I wouldn't believe in what they are teaching their children.

    We choose whether or not to have children, and if we do have them, it's our responsibility to provide good mothering for them. Education, health care and many other things are provided, quite rightly, by society, but mothering care, I don't think, should be one of the things provided by society at large.

    Just my opinion - feel free to discuss, or explain why you think I'm wrong.