Vegan Recipes Without Flour and Sugars

for those with insulin issues that avoid flour and sugars but still want to train themselves in the vegan dietary discipline :)
  • Alison Palmer

    Thanks so much, just what I was looking for as now need to go on a vegan candida diet.

  • Cyndi Rook

    I do have "insulin issues," and am technically pre-diabetic. In the US, this means, "your blood glucose levels are a little high, just so you know, and next year or the year after, when you have full blown diabetes, we'll let you know, give you meter and medication." As my mother had very poorly controlled diabetes for the last 20 years of her life, I've decided to be pro-active and have begun testing my glucose levels periodically. Recipes without flour and sugar abound. In fact, my difficulty is having too many choices. Might we start here with a specific meal like breakfast or a category like vegetables or soups, etc?