

Greensboro, NC

United States

Comment Wall:


    I'm really glad you're here. :o)

    Hi. Did you catch that conversation in the chatroom? It's quite hectic in there. Carolyn said she will properly read his blog (tomorrow I think she said), and write a comment on it. Hopefully that will help, and at least she's aware of it. If you can see how I can help improve the situation, please tell me how, and I will try my best. :o)

    Hi. I'm glad Carolyn commented on it straight away.
    I hope you can find a way not to take what he said personally. He says the same garbage, or offensive garbage, to anyone who mentions Francione, or pacifism. You, unknowingly I'm sure, sent him over the edge with one quote. I try my best to ignore him. He's one of the most boring people I've ever encountered.
    I hope meeting an idiot like that hasn't put you off being here. Take care. :o)
  • Heather

    I didn't catch it no- i had an LGBT meetup group last night so I was busy getting ready all day (and an atheist meetup tonight! busy bee!) I'm trying not to take what he said personally.. it's more that i'm angered and upset on principle just for being who he is- and i'm sure given proper psychological evaluation I could understand why he is the way he is... but he admitted to thinking hitting children was okay as well as saying he'd hit his dog before and the thought of any human hurting another being (human or otherwise) on purpose is just too much. I'm against violence period and I don't understand people who think people who just want peace are somehow less as people.
  • Heather

    I just went back and read a few of the comments on the blog since you said carolyn got in on it. I read very little of what chris said but apparently it did get quite abusive- I never went back to read it after my comment that I was leaving it alone. I left one more comment and again, won't go back.