Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

All Blog Posts (689)

Sting is Like a Butterfly


Imagine it’s the early 1940s: World War II. Hitler is engaged in perpetrating the most horrendous atrocity of the twentieth century. He and his army are attempting to take over the world and eliminate all Jewish people in the process. Something must be done! Hitler must be stopped. He’s about to envelop this entire planet in a dark cloud of evil. Not only will the Jewish race be extinct, we will all be his slaves. The world…


Added by Holise E. Cleveland III on January 24, 2011 at 14:45 — 4 Comments

Transcript of Jordan Wyatt's Guest Chat

Transcript of Jordan Wyatt's ARZone Guest Chat

22 January 2011 at:

2pm US Pacific

5pm US…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on January 23, 2011 at 20:30 — 21 Comments

Captive Dolphins Can Be Free

“They’re not getting the care in the aquariums. It’s a physical fact that we as humans are separating family groups and we’re deciding which animals should go where and how that should be done. And as a father it just hit me that would be the same as if I put a net into my family and took my son away and said, ’Ok son, you’re going to China to represent Canadians…


Added by Holise E. Cleveland III on January 23, 2011 at 10:30 — 2 Comments

Egotists and Activists

I hear about people who seem to be activists just for the brownie points. They are more concerned with their own praise than anything else. We should be wary of those who seem to have the animals’ best interest in mind, when in fact they obviously have their own agenda. This article will hopefully cause some people…


Added by Holise E. Cleveland III on January 23, 2011 at 10:26 — No Comments

I wonder if Pigeons Mourn Their Dead ~ Roger Yates

I had occasion to go to my local post office recently.  On the way I saw a group of pigeons noisily contesting pieces of bread that had been thrown out onto the side of the road.  I then realised that, a little removed, one pigeon was dead - but it seemed that none of the others had noticed, or that it meant nothing at all to them.

I thought I had better…

Added by Carolyn Bailey on January 21, 2011 at 18:30 — 4 Comments

Belonging ~ Tim Gier



We all like to belong to something, to part of something bigger than ourselves.  It’s a condition of being alive as a social creature that we seek the company of others and find comfort among friends.  There is strength in numbers, and it is a strength we all need to one degree or another.  No-one wants to be truly alone. 

I guess that’s why it’s so important for us to identify…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on January 21, 2011 at 18:30 — No Comments

Taiji Japan Dolphin Slaughter & Captivity



I am trying to get more people involved in writing to the Japanese Embassies &  Consulates in regards to the Dolphin slaughter & Captivity issue.   I am also creating a campaign to Boycott Marine Parks.  

the more people that help the louder our voice is heard.    We are also focusing on the Seal Slaughter; Penguins; Dall's Porpoise; Whales and any ocean life in general that is threatened.


One of the most Pressing Issues at the moment…


Added by Dawn Groth on January 21, 2011 at 14:30 — 1 Comment

Good news from China: bans of animal circuses

...........although some here will surely say it's welfarist news, as I understood from the chats and posts here!

anyway, even if some think it's welfarist, animal exploitation is taken seriously in China, although, of course, the aim is to stop all animal exploitation!


wild animals should be left alone, and free in their native habitat!…


Added by blackpanther on January 20, 2011 at 22:32 — No Comments

"If you Care about Farm Animals ... Eat Them" ?!?!? ~ Jordan Wyatt

I was blown away by *the* new reader of my blog from the previous Open Letter to Erik Marcus post,  Hi number six!  I'd love it if you'd hang around, and listen to my podcast :-)  Consider this post a sequel.  And yes, that means it will be inferior, and is just a… Continue

Added by Carolyn Bailey on January 17, 2011 at 13:28 — No Comments

International Animal Rights Conference 2011

''The first international animal rights conference in Luxembourg will take place on May 19th until 22nd 2011 at the Novotel Hotel in Luxembourg City. We welcome all animal rights activists and of course all people who care about animals, the environment, and would like to learn more about animal rights in both theory and practice.''


  • viewpoints on animal liberation / animal…

Added by Just a Girl on January 17, 2011 at 10:30 — No Comments

Some Good News in Honiara!!!!

Blood Dolphins Success in the Solomons......

Added by Dawn Groth on January 17, 2011 at 6:10 — 1 Comment

Transcript of David Sztybel's ARZone Guest Chat ~ Part 1


Transcript of David Sztybel's ARZone Guest chat

15 January 2011 at:

5pm US…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on January 16, 2011 at 18:00 — 40 Comments

Transcript of David Sztybel's ARZone Guest Chat ~ Part 2

Transcript of David Sztybel's ARZone Guest chat

15 January 2011 at:

5pm US Eastern…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on January 16, 2011 at 18:00 — 6 Comments

Just watched Blood Dolphins..... and am more determined than ever NEVER TO GIVE UP!

For those who are not getting this on their cable you can view clips at the following


Episode Guide: Blood Dolphins:  Animal Planet:  Planet Green…


Added by Dawn Groth on January 16, 2011 at 15:18 — 1 Comment

I'm Vegan and I'm not Vegan ~ Barbara DeGrande

A recent conversation with my five year old grandson went something like this:

“I’m vegan and I’m not vegan.”

“How is that possible?”

“Well, I am vegan at your house, but when I go home….. my parents won’t be vegan.”

“Your father is trying but finds it difficult…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on January 15, 2011 at 17:48 — 1 Comment

Planet Green, a Discover Channel co. is doing a series called $Blood Dolphins

A TV series picked up by Planet Green a Discovery channel company... will be airing what they call $Blood Dolphins



Added by Dawn Groth on January 14, 2011 at 9:44 — No Comments


January 13 in Taijii Japan


Taijii Dolphin Slaughter January 13, 2011


Before I begin to attempt my explanation of what happened today, I have a call to action to every single person reading this now.

Every single…


Added by Dawn Groth on January 14, 2011 at 4:14 — 4 Comments

Anti-Vivisection Panel Discussion

The following is a series of videos posted on YouTube. It depicts a panel discussion on animals used in research and education that occurred on April 21, 2010, 7:00 p.m. at the University of Toronto, Hart House, Music Room. Featured is an introduction by graduate student PaulYork, and three panel contributions with Q & A to… Continue

Added by Tim Gier on January 13, 2011 at 13:30 — 1 Comment

Nathan Winograd's "Biological Xenophobia"

Published on his blog on January 8,…


Added by Tim Gier on January 10, 2011 at 5:38 — 15 Comments

Transcript of Nathan Winograd's ARZone Guest Chat

Transcript of Nathan Winograd’s ARZone Guest Chat



Added by Carolyn Bailey on January 9, 2011 at 18:00 — 20 Comments

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