Dino Sarma Recipes

Dino Sarma is the author of the amazing book, Alternative Vegan: Internation Vegan Fare Straight From the Produce Aisle. 

Dino generously shares some of his favourite recipes here, for ARZone members. 

The second edition of Dino's book, Alternative Vegan, may be purchased here: 


Flash Gaajar Halva (Carrot Sweet)

The traditional version of this recipe involves large quantities of dairy, huge tubs of sugar, and ages of time spent in boiling, reducing, and stirring, along with plenty of anxiety about not burning the whole mess. This version takes about ten minutes or so. My friends Anjali and Rehmah were at my house, eating lunch. Someone mentioned sweets of some sort, and Rehmah instantly got a craving for some kind of sweet. I didn't have much else in the house, so I knocked this version out very quickly, both to calm Rehmah's cravings, and to make sure that Anjali got to taste some too (as she was about to head out for a hot date that night).  


1 pound carrots, grated

1 TB neutral flavoured oil (peanut, canola, corn)

2 cardamom pods, crushed

3 TB granulated sugar

1 1/2 TB cornstarch

2 cups coconut milk


In a pot, combine the carrots, oil, and cardamom. Sautee the carrots over high heat, until they are softened. While the carrots cook, whisk together the cornstarch and the coconut milk.


Once the carrots are softened, add the sugar, and stir it through. The sugar will melt rather quickly, and get caramelised. The carrots will turn a slightly darker colour too. This is what you want to happen, so don't worry when it happens.


Once the sugar is caramelised and lightly browned, add the coconut milk and cornstarch mixture. Bring the liquid to a full rushing boil, and continue to boil for one minute with constant stirring. Turn off the heat, and allow to cool down to room temperature before serving.


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    Dino Sarma

    Everyone loved it thoroughly, and Anjali demanded the recipe on the spot, because she could not believe that Gajar Halwa could /ever/ happen that quickly. She looked so crushed. "The last time I made this, it took over an hour," she said, as I plopped my 10 minute version down on the table. She was very shocked and pleased at the taste. For the record, both her and Rehmah are northerners, meaning that they've et the dairy version any number of times, and still loved my version. This pleases me. 

    Roger Yates said:

    Looks groovy Dino!

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    Carolyn Bailey

    1 pound is equivalent to just under half a kilo. 



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    Dino Sarma

    And 2 cups (as in the coconut milk) is about 4 3/4 decilitres. 

    Carolyn Bailey said:

    1 pound is equivalent to just under half a kilo. 
