Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

From the article: Animal rights group pushes for an end to pig slaughterhouses
BY JOHN BONNAR, as published at

Activism in action, a former slaughterhouse worker joins the ranks of those working to end the use of other animals as food.

Tracey Shepherd-Davis...used to work at a slaughterhouse in Burlington, Ontario but now rescues and owns pet pigs.

After Shepherd-Davis was severely injured on the cut line, she finally decided to quit her job. 

Even though she called herself an animal lover, she continued to sit down at the dinner table and eat pork chops, pulled pork sandwiches and bacon.

But after she rescued a pig at a local farm auction, she finally realized that pigs are just as loving, gentle and kind as dogs are.

“That’s when I realized what the heck am I doing eating these things,” she said. “It’s like eating my own dog.”

Eventually, she hooked up with other ‘“pig people” at Toronto Pig Save, who held their second annual veggie dog giveaway and celebration on Monday at Stanley Park across the street from Quality Meat Packers pig slaughterhouse.

There's more to read here.


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