Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

Trust me..if you've never tried a green smoothie, you have no idea what you're missing!
I drink green smoothies daily. It's a raw vegan drink that is as nutritious as it is delicious.
Keep in mind that this drink needs to be made in a very high speed blender such as a Vitamix or Blendtec.

1 med size apple cut into chunks
1 banana
1 orange peeled
6 dates
1/2 scoop vegan protein/green powder (I use Vega whole food smoothie infuser)
1 packed cup of any dark leafy green (kale, spinach)
3/4 cup water
5-6 ice cubes (you an use frozen fruit instead)

Blend until smooth.

At the beginning aim to add 60% fruits and 40% greens to conceal the sometimes bitter taste. As you become used to green smoothies and enjoy the taste of greens you can switch to 60% greens and 40% fruit.
Leafy greens are the ideal food for humans to consume on a large scale. When leafy greens are blended in a high speed blender their cell walls are broken down to release essential nutrients. This is the only way to receive the maximum benefit of greens. Also, greens are extremely high in protein.

Feel free to alter this recipe in any way you'd like. You can swap out different fruits and greens. There are also many more green smoothie recipes online at:

Ps: If you are interested in learning more pick up Victoria Boutenko's book "The Green Smoothie Revolution" for additional recipes and loads of amazing information on the many benefits!


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I used to make blueberry and spirulina smoothies all the time...until I found out that I was getting way too much protein. And my then my green expired. :)
Thanks Tarah, sounds fantastic !!

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