Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

An interview with Marc Bekoff, world renowned animal behaviourist, biologist, author (Animals Matter) and advocate for other animals.


Marc talks about the need to connect hearts and minds by "rewilding" ourselves, his ideas about compassionate conservation, what we know about the minds of other animals, and how the way forward for other animals is for human advocates to stop their bickering and learn to work for a common purpose.


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Prof. Bekoff is a former Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Colorado, Boulder, a Fellow of the Animal Behavior Society and a past Guggenheim Fellow. His main areas of research include animal behavior, cognitive ethology (which is the study of animal minds), and behavioral ecology; Marc has also published extensively on the need to change how humans regard, treat and use other animals. Named to the advisory board of GreenVegans in 2010, Marc has served as an advisor or board member to numerous organizations throughout his career, including as co-founder with Jane Goodall of Ethologists for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.

Marc has published more than 300 essays (both scholarly and for mass media) and 22 books, including Species of mind: The philosophy and biology of cognitive ethology (with Colin Allen) and the Encyclopedia of animal rights and animal welfare. Professor Bekoff has appeared on national and international television programs, and has been published in major newspapers and magazines. He currently writes a popular column called Animal Emotions for Psychology Today.

In 1986 Marc became the first American to win his age-class at the Tour du Var bicycle race (also called the Master's … or age-graded Tour de France).

It’s safe to say that Prof. Bekoff is a recognized expert in animal cognition and behavior, and a trusted voice both inside and outside of the animal advocacy community.

Please click the following links to read Marc's articles that are discussed in this podacst:

Rewilding Our Hearts: Maintaining Hope and Faith in Trying Times. 

Animals and Inmates: Science Behind Bars 

Do Dogs Really Feel Pain and Are They Really Conscious?

Bears Can "Count" 

Animal Consciousness and Science Matter: Anthropomorphism is not an... 

Compassion Begets Compassion

The Hearts and Minds of Animals: A Discussion with Dr. Marc Bekoff

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