Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

ARZone is joined by five of the contributors to the recent book, "Earth, Animal and Disability Liberation: The Rise of the Eco-Ability Movement". In addition to two of the books editors, Judith K. C. Bentley and Anthony Nocella II, our conversation also includes contributing authors David Nibert, Norm Phelps and Kimberly Socha. Audio Podcast, approx 71 minutes.

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Eco-ability, in the words of Dr. Nocella, refers to and examines the connections between "ecology, dis-ability, and animal advocacy, couched in terms of interlocking social constructions and the interwoven web of interdependent global life." In this conversation, we explore the role of language in oppression, what "othering" consists in, and how advocates for the oppressed can be more effective through an appreciation for intersectionality.

Please view the book on Amazon here.

Please learn about the 1st Annual Conference “Engaging with Eco-ability” that's being held at University of Binghamton, New York on April 27 and 28, 2013 by visiting the web here and sign up on Facebook here.

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