Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

ARZone Podcast 80: Jon Bockman - Animal Charity Evaluators

Episode 80 features the Executive Director of Animal Charity Evaluators (ACE), Jon Bockman.

In this interview, we discuss the work that ACE does in trying to utilise the best survey and research methods to evaluate the effectiveness of various groups and organizations working within the animal advocacy movement. Audio Podcast, approx 57 minutes.

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According to their website (www.AnimalCharityEvaluators.Org), Animal Charity Evaluators (ACE) is "a nonprofit dedicated to finding and advocating highly effective opportunities for improving the lives of animals.” Jon Bockman serves as its executive director.

Jon has held leadership positions at various animal advocacy groups over the past ten years, including having managed two wildlife rehabilitation centres and serving as a humane investigator in Illinois. Jon joined the team at Animal Charity Evaluators in 2013.

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Hi! I’m a volunteer at BrightHaven animal sanctuary and we need your help to raise money for our Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign. BrightHaven rescues disabled and senior animals in high risk of euthanasia.  Could you share and like our video to help us raise funds?

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