Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

ARZone Podcast 81: Will Tuttle - Tour of Taiwan, Australia, and New Zealand

Episode 81 features long time advocate and author Will Tuttle Ph. D.

In early 2014 Dr. Will Tuttle, who holds a masters in humanities and a Ph.D in education, completed an international speaking tour, traveling to Taiwan, throughout Australia, and to New Zealand. In this podcast, Dr. Tuttle speaks with ARZone about his work and to tell us about his experience speaking to sold out audiences throughout his tour. Audio Podcast, approx 44 minutes.

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The author of the best selling book, The World Peace Diet, Dr. Tuttle's work makes explicit the invisible connections between our food, our culture and a broad range of social, economic and environmental problems. He offers solutions to these problems based on a respect for all living beings.

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Hi! I’m a volunteer at BrightHaven animal sanctuary and we need your help to raise money for our Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign. BrightHaven rescues disabled and senior animals in high risk of euthanasia.  Could you share and like our video to help us raise funds?

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