Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

In this interview we were thrilled to welcome our special guest, Carol J. Adams.

Carol is the author of more than 20 books, including the ground breaking The Sexual Politics of Meat now in a 25th anniversary edition. Burger, just released in Bloomsbury’s Object Lessons Series and the forthcoming Protest Kitchen: Fight Injustice, Save the Planet, and Fuel Your Resistance One Meal at a Time. She is also the author of over 100 articles on the topics of vegetarianism and veganism, animal advocacy, domestic violence and sexual abuse, with a focus on the interconnections between forms of violence against humans and against other animals.

Carol has been an inspiring leader of the animal movement for decades, is highly respected for her work and has been a mentor to countless other advocates. To read Carol's article on DxE that was discussed in the interview, please CLICK HERE.

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