Critical Society is a quarterly e-journal for articles denied space elsewhere due to prevailing ideology, censorship, reductionism, exclusion, narrowing down, length, fashion, form, and so on; and for articles from authors, groups and organisations keen to widen their audience.
Some of the areas that Critical Society is interested in are human rights, media, animal liberation/rights, feminism, governance, environment, wildlife, ecology, censorship, (in)justice, class, race, sport, ideology, poverty, slavery, humanitarianism – all viewed from a standpoint at odds with many of the norms of current, mainstream practices.
Critical Society is not interested in party politics (unless they relate directly to or contribute to the problem under discussion), nor does it have political or religious allegiances/affiliations. All kinds of critiques, from academic to intuitive (or counter-intuitive), are welcome from a wide range of people keen not only to subvert, invert and challenge but also to showcase their work and ideas.
Mainly, the journal hopes to attract original articles – and new writers are especially welcome – but this policy will not preclude the occasional appearance of previously published works of great merit and prescience in order to provide historical/current background and context.
The views expressed in Critical Society articles are not necessarily those of the editor; inclusion of any article in any issue of Critical Society does not imply its endorsement by the authors of other articles in any issue of Critical Society.
Barry Kew