Animal Rights Zone

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Elephants say a sad farewell to baby who died of a heart defect.

Elephants are widely believed to mourn the deaths of members of their herd, and even pay homage to long-dead elephants.

A 2005 study in the UK found the creatures displayed traits similar to humans and, coming across the remains of an elephant, would gently touch the skull and tusks with their trunks and feet.

They are also believed to display a ritual around death, with several elephants travelling to visit a dead body and touching the corpse with their trunks.

Some elephants have been seen to weep and others make sounds associated with grief as they cover the body with leaves and branches before keeping a silent vigil.

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I don't really understand why humans seem to find this surprising. I have seen so many species mourn for their human companions and other than human companions. It surprises me that other humans still seem surprised that other animals feel these emotions. 

I watched the video that you linked to. It is so depressing to see these elephants held in a prison-like situation, and even as they mourn for their dead family member, the humans dominating them have bullhooks in their hands. I can't imagine too many more obvious signs of disrespect and lack of dignity toward these individuals.


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