Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

Important Care2 petition following Imperial College Revelations‏

Because of an independent investigation, horrific animal practices were identified at a university in London. But why must we rely on undercover investigators to reveal the truth about animal experiments?
Please sign the petition today!

For further info - the day after these revelations were shown on BBC TV London news, the following letter was sent to subscribers of Care2 (on 12 Dec. 2013);

At the Imperial College of London, undercover investigators discovered rats being beheaded with guillotines and having their necks broken after experiments. This animal cruelty is bad enough. But even worse, because of Britain's secrecy laws, countless other instances of abuse may be taking place with no one ...
The Freedom of Information Act, which was passed in 2000, should mean that Brits get access to exactly what their tax money is paying for. But many people don't know that there are secrecy clauses that make it a crime to talk about animal experimentation -- no matter how disgusting it is.
Thanks to Section 24, a clause embedded within the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986, anyone who talks about the details of animal experiments, even to Parlia ment, risks two' years imprisonment and an unlimited fine. Meanwhile, it's perfectly legal to give brain damage to a monkey or... We need to get our priorities straight.
Tell the government to review "Section 24" and allow the public and Parliament to hold labs accountable for their animal cruelty!


Thank you for taking action,        
                Kathleen             Care2 and ThePetitionSite Team           

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