Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

Life, Love, V is an infotainment site that will bring a variety of curated and original news items that span technology, fashion, culture, travel, etc. to those following a more healthy, compassionate and sustainable diet. For those new to a plant-based diet, it will serve as a source of support and a guide to navigating a non-vegan world beyond food.
For others, this will be a website showcasing the variety and richness of a plant-based lifestyle that is not really that much different from how the mainstream works, plays and lives.

Interested in writing for us?
We are looking for two talented writers to help us launch this exciting new venture. Contributors will be required to submit regular, 150-250 (or more) word articles in the style of articles found on sites like Presently, there is a small stipend available for each author with the possibility of revenue sharing once we start monetizing the site. Our immediate goal is to get the website running with compelling content that our audience will find appealing.

The application process involves answering a questionnaire and submitting two pre-written articles and one assigned one. To apply, or if you have additional questions please email If you know someone who would be interested in the position, please share this with them.

The stipend is $10 per 150-250 word article submitted up to US$50 per month. you can bank your extra extra articles for publication later. Writing at least 5 articles a month is strongly encouraged.

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Animal Rights Zone (ARZone) by ARZone is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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Animal Rights Zone (ARZone) Disclaimer

Animal Rights Zone (ARZone) is an animal rights site. As such, it is the position of ARZone that it is only by ending completely the use of other animal as things can we fulfill our moral obligations to them.

Please read the full site disclosure here.

Animal Rights Zone (ARZone) Mission Statement

Animal Rights Zone (ARZone) exists to help educate vegans and non-vegans alike about the obligations human beings have toward all other animals.

Please read the full mission statement here.





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