Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

Dolphin Alert! Dolphins are in terrible immediate danger again! There are Bottlenose Dolphins & Risso Dolphins trapped in the Taiji Cove again by the brutal dolphin-killers. You can also learn more about this at and I would like to know what ideas people have for freeing the Dolphins or assisting the Cove Guardians. There are some addresses you can write to listed at Sea Shephered Conservation Society. What other ideas for rescueing these Dolphins do people have that they are willing to discuss?

Thank you very much in advance for any of your ideas & opinions that might help them.

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Hi Apple,

I think that until humans understand that other animals are not our property and should never be considered our property, we can't really expect anything to change.

You know what I don't understand? How some people can advocate for the dolphins being slaughtered, and I know that this happens in a most horrific way. These dolphins are traumatised for sometimes days before being viciously slaughtered. Some of those same people who are willing to do so much for these dolphins, will turn around and on their lunch break, tuck into a dead chicken/cow/sheep/etc etc because they have disconnected from this animal on their plate being equal to the animal they're trying to save.

I don't understand that. I live on the water in Brisbane and have been close to all marine life all my life. I love dolphins every bit as much as everyone else who is trying to protect them; I also respect every other animal and believe that the life of a dolphin is every bit as valuable and significant as the life of a chicken, a turtle, a mouse or a human.

I'm totally behind trying to protect these dolphins, but I'm even more supportive of trying to educate every human that all lives should be respected and valued equally.

Personally, I think educating people is the only way to stop this. :)

Dear Carolyn,

What a beautiful thoughtful answer you expressed Carolyn.

Sorry so long to answer myself, i do not have my personal computer online right now & must use alternate which is glitchy sometimes, though my heart is touched by what i see here now.

Eveything you say here speaks your truth very well. Thank you for expressing concern for the Dolphins, as well as other living beings you care about.

I am sorry that there are some people who care about Cetaceans but still eat any other living beings of concern to you. (at all) I have not had that happen to me yet exactly.
Though i have had a little bit similar experience, of that It is hard to see a good supporter side-tracked because they come to support Whales wearing leather gear according to the press (perhaps it was not real, i did not feel the material) but anyway it turns out to promote shopping for leather boots on the news article links, instead of being about Saving the Cetaceans more! I was thinking to myself, "What a shame, that was not to be the intention of attracting the news to come to see a Celebrity Supporter arrive to help, only to have them focus on that!." I was thrown for a loop, and did not tell anybody my thoughts at that moment, but tears came out of my eyes.

Though there are many people i still love in the world that do even eat other mammals still, having grown up on meat and potatos it is very hard for them to change, but gradually at least they do. And i have other loved ones that are less imperfect in that regard, though they have other perfections or imperfections. Like I have known strict Vegans who think it is o.k. to beat their wives! There are lots of different kinds of people in the world with one flaw or another or several...That does not mean that i agree with all their choices though for sure..I never condone cruel violence against other people and innocent 'animals' (non-Human animals).

I do like all creatures but i am not as perfect as you are either, Carolyn, i admit i have trouble thinking of the Rat for example, the same way i love Dolphins, even though i still would not want it to be tortured either of course and i would not eat it either. I am still growing though and maybe some day i will be as loving as you for everyone.

If i could love everyone as much as i love Dolphins, i would probably burst. :o)

I agree with what you said about people being disconnected from some 'animals' and i really think that is true, because when actually confronted with a mouse about to be killed by another creature , i saw it looked up and it was looking the killer right in the face and it's little front paws were boxing like little tiny fists like it was fighting for it's life and i admired and loved it at that split second that i connected to it's wish to live and it's little face and eyes and in that split second i managed to grab it away from the other animal and free it.
Some would say i was denying another animal a meal or that i could have been bit and got rabies, but in that split second i connected. I hope you understand what i am trying to say though i am very sleepy right now and must go take a nap to go back to work. So i will run along now.

You are right, we do not own anybody, and educating people will help. :o) You will be in my thoughts.

Thanks again for your inspiration,

Bye for Now, Apple

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