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Please take 15 seconds to vote against 10 000 kangaroos being slaughtered.

(from my good friend, Kellie Sheldon Payne)


Good evening to all my kanga fighters;

The above article is from Adelaide where they are planning to kill TEN
THOUSAND kangaroos because they 'are starving'.. I can assure you that
the kangaroos in that pic are far from starving. They are healthy as
you can get them... just look at the base of the tails.

The pole is standing at 77% for the killing, a very good rate of how
Aussies feel when it comes to our kangaroos. Its disgusting and very
heart breaking. A very concerning aspect about the numbers they are
planning on killing is that joeys are not mentioned... how many of them
will be caught in the firing line?

To be honest with all of you, I am at my wits ends (and I imagine so
many more of us are aswell). There are so many wonderful people here
and all over Australia that spend their days and hard earned money
raising orphans. Can i ask you what for? Just so we can go and put them
back into the wild where they are going to have a cross put on their
heads and end up on someones foot as Adidas boots or in someones pet
stomach? We sit here and condemn Japan for killing the whales, China
for killing the cats and dogs and Canada for killing the seals. And
yet, we sit here and stay rather silent when it comes to how we kill
440,000 joey's a year!!!! How long can we do this! What will it take to
make it stop?

So I'm begging you - please vote, it takes five minutes - we have to be
AT FOR A KILLING SPREE....... 10,000 which will move on when they need
to..... and they will.



AROUND 10,000 kangaroos have invaded a small national park near Loxton and may have to be shot or starved out.

The Department of Environment and Heritage has warned locals a culling
campaign could soon begin after surveys showed numbers at the Murray
River National Park near Loxton had tripled to 80 animals per square

The current population would mean the equivalent of 200 animals in an area the size of the Adelaide CBD.

The decision has been welcomed by locals who told The Advertiser that
despite being listed as a tourist attraction in the park, the grey and
red kangaroos are starving and destroying plant life.

Former chairman of the Katarapko Community Action Group Sandy Loffler
said the organisation had lobbied the department for eight years
between 1996 and 2004 for a cull to save bettongs which had been
reintroduced to the Katarapko Island within the park.

Ms Loffler said the cull would be long overdue.

"The place has been so decimated and destroyed by years and years of
overgrazing by kangaroos and it was even when the numbers were 55
animals per square kilometres," she said.

"This is gut wrenching because we tried hard to get them to do something."

Ms Loffler said wildflowers in the park had been almost destroyed and
kangaroos had resorted to digging up grass roots to survive.

"There were (kangaroo) skeletons everywhere," she said.

"The department said the problem was just seasonal but obviously the numbers have been getting worse and worse and worse."

Adelaide University researcher Nerissa Haby, who worked to reintroduce
the bettongs until 2002, said kangaroos were already starving when her
work there ended.

At the time, numbers were only 40 animals per square kilometre, half the current levels.

"By the time I finished, there were animals starving and dying and eating people's food," she said.

Interested community groups have been asked to comment on the department's changes to the national park's development plan.

"Such programs (population control of kangaroos) may include a variety
of management options, including restricting access to food and water,
and culling," the draft states.

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May I ask if a protest has been organised and if Nikkii from Aus Soc for Kangas is involved in trying to stop this disgusting slaughter? I will email Pat from Wildlife Protect Aust and ask him what they are doing about this. Who should we email in govt? Im thinkin the Premier of S.A? Im wondering who else if anyone knows. J.
Hi all,
Hey this article is very old and dont worry there's no risk to these guys at present.
This woman was shot down by the department soon after she made these claims of damage and I put in a submission to their draft man plan. So while there is a possibility that it could happen in the future, the department said at the time that there was no chance of that happening in the near future and basically this women was loony.
If you google this story again you will probably find the departments response in an ABC interview.

So dont worry guys, these guys are out of danger as far as I know for moment.
But a call to the dept wouldnt go astray to see how things are going if anyone was still concerned,


On Sun, Jan 2, 2011 at 5:51 PM, Sodapop . wrote:

Dear Pat

Im writing regarding the proposed slaughter of 10,000 kangaroos (this isnt even taking into account the joeys).

Pls see details below.

Can you please advise what Widlife Protect Australia is doing about this disgusting slaughter of our native wildlife?

Thank you Pat.

For the animals

Jaylene Musgrave
Vegan Warriors
~~~ Stryder ~~~
Eden Handmade Chocolate
Director - Farm Animal Rescue Australia
Sunshine Coast Koala Wildlife Rescue
"Nominee - Pride of Australia Medal 2010"
0448 310640

My situation is a solemn one. Life is offered to me on condition of eating beefsteaks. But death is better than cannibalism. My will contains directions for my funeral, which will be followed not by mourning coaches, but by oxen, sheep, flocks of poultry, and a small traveling aquarium of live fish, all wearing white scarfs in honor of the man who perished rather than eat his fellow creatures. ~George Bernard Shaw

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