Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

On January 10, Scarborough magistrates heard how a Bedlington Terrier had been fitted with a tracer and sent into a badger sett to find the animals. Once it discovered a badger, a receiver above ground told the men the location of the animals and they dug a hole to remove them. One badger, which was heavily pregnant, was attacked by around 13 lurchers, causing it to be “torn to pieces” until it bled to death. A second had been shot after a severe attack by the pack of dogs. One was thrown back into the badger sett while another was found in undergrowth.

The men have since been released from jail and are currently being monitored by tagging devices.

Mr Fuller, from Thixendale, near Malton, who secretly photographed the bait after contacting the police and keeping them informed of the location, said the gang’s early release made a “mockery” of the offence.

“It was quite a big case and to then let them out after just one month makes a mockery of the whole thing,” said Mr Fuller, who has stepped-up security at his home amid fears he will be targeted by the men.

“The abuse was probably quite inevitable as it was such a cruel case. It’s a funny turn of events that the criminals, who have been extremely cocky with the police, are now wanting their help.”


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