Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

'Sausage' & peppers - Vegan stylez.

you will need:

Italian Tofurkey Sausages
onion (red or white)
red pepper
asparagus (decent sized handful for 1-2 servings, 2 handfulls for 4)
garlic cloves
fresh basil (preferably - can use dried)
medium or large pitas
dried chili peppers
salt & pepper
To Make:
Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
wash veggies, and cut pepper into chunks, asparagus ends should be off and then the asparagus cut in half - if desired (I sometimes leave mine whole), onions should be in large chunks and you can roast the garlic whole or in cloves.
for the tofurkey sausage i cut in somewhat thick (half an inch to 3/4 of an inch thick) bite sized chunks .
place all the veggies and the sausage into a roasting pan or on a baking sheet with extra virgin olive oil.
shake desired S&P on as well as dried chili peppers (I like it spicy). 
shred your basil in small pieces and toss on.
make sure everything is coated evenly and toss (dont actually toss, you'd spill everything then youd be dinnerless) into the oven, periodically stirring it around for even roasting (every 15 or so minutes).
you want your veggies lightly charred.
5 minutes before theyre done, throw the pita in the oven for warming.
if it is a big pita lay flat and start to essemble your wrap. if its a small pita, slice open and start stuffing!
I like to let the garlic cool a bit then i squeeze it out and spread it on the bottom, layering the veggies and then some sausage. I normally put deli mustard on it or, 5 minutes before they're finished i will splash a balsamic vinagrette mix on the veggies and let it soak up the flavor. Try anything you want! it would also be really good tossed into whole wheat pasta with homemade pasta sauce!
if you want to make this vegetarian (vs vegan) swiss cheese is splendid on it because of the asparagus. i try to avoid mayos because it makes it heavy. simple and easy! enjoy!

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