Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

The Moral Basis of Vegetarianism

Written by Professor Tom Regan

Professor Tom Regan, often referred to as the philosophical leader of the animal rights movement, and recognised as one of fifty visionaries who are changing the world (Utne Reader), wrote this journal article for the Canadian Journal of Philosophy in 1975. This was the first piece Tom ever wrote on ethics and other animals, and was the first peer reviewed philosophy journal article ever written on the topic of vegetarianism. 

Professor Regan doesn't always receive the credit he deserves for his tireless work on behalf of both humans and other animals, and for being one of the first people to ever speak about abolitionist theory in terms of animal rights. We hope to change that in ARZone and plan on providing more of the history of *your* movement for a greater understanding of the advocates and activists who were the real pioneers in the animal rights movement. 

Please click the link below to read the full journal article in .PDF format. 

 Tom Regan The Moral Basis of Vegetarianism-1975.pdf 

For more on Tom's unparalleled contributions to the animal rights movement, please visit his website at: 

and read his two ARZone interviews at: 


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