Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

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Q: Your CARE-7 Tour blog #22 mentions that if the recent disaster in the Gulf of Mexico didn't “deal the almost omnipotent oil lobby a staggering blow, nothing else will.” I live in Florida & haven’t heard a word about it in at least a month. The oil lobby is alive & well. We live in a world where nothing matters unless news of it dominates the internet and TV. How can we work to ensure that a positive message of peace and respect for nonhuman animals gets the attention it deserves?


Anthony Marr:


The "Oil Lobby" you mentioned is probably the most powerful one of all lobbies, including pharmaceutical, meat, insurance and hunting.  Right now, there are 4 times more oil lobbyists than there are congressmen in Washington DC. America is caught up in the vicious cycle of the Oil Lobby indirectly controlling the public through mass media and directly controlling the government through political influence, and the controlled public won't support a green government.


To shrug off the oil lobby is the key, but easier said than done. The oil companies are top profiting in the Fortune 500, but the gov still has to subsidize them, rather than putting $$ into developing green tech. Whereas the EU is doing the right thing to develop a super-grid drawing solar from the Sahara and Arabian deserts, wind from the coast, geothermal from the Mediterranean and Iceland, etc. but due to the control of Oil on the US government, no such plan exists, that I'm aware of.


So in the next oil crisis, the EU will be okay, but the US may not be. You are right... if the Gulf oil spill fails to ignite people into action, it just means that Big Oil has the people dumbed down and apathetic.

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