Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

I just read two more excellent books, which follow another book I recently read and appreciated. (Speciesism by Joan Dunayer, An American Trilogy by Steven Wise and An Unnatural Order by Jim Mason).

I have a long list of books that I wish everyone on earth would read, but wonder which ones I am overlooking. So here is my question: which books do you wish everyone would read, especially animal activists?

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I'd strongly recommend 'Introduction to Animal Rights: your child or the dog', 'Rain without Thunder' and 'Animals as Persons', by Prof. Gary L. Francione

Here are some books I'd recommend that give historical, cultural, and philosophic context to interspecies injustice and how they are entangled with injustices against humans. I have a more complete list here and a list of newly published books that have me excited even before reading them.

Anthologies and Readers on AR

Animal Ethics Reader 2nd ed. (Susan Armstrong 2003/2008)
* The Animals Reader: The Essential and Contemporary Writings (Linda Kalof & Amy Fitzgerald 2006)
* Animal Rights: A Historical Anthology (Andrew Lindzey and Paul Clarke 1990)
Animal Rights Debate: Current Debates, New Directions (Cass Sunstein and Martha Nussbaum 2004)
* Animal Philosophy: Essential Readings in Continental Thought (Matthew Calarco & Peter Atterton 2004)
Food for Thought: The Debate Over Eating Meat (Steve Sapontzis 2004)
Social Creatures: A  Human and Animal Studies Reader (Clif Flynn 2008)

Books w/ an explicit AR Position
* Sexual Politics of Meat (Carol Adams 1990)
* Beyond Boundaries (Barbara Noske 1997)
Animal Rights / Human Rights (David Nibert 2002)
* Making a Killing (Bob Torres 2007)
Dreaded Comparison (Marjorie Spiegel 1996)
Eternal Treblinka (Charles Patterson 2002)
* An Unnatural Order (Jim Mason 2005)
Critical Theory and Animal Liberation (John Sanbonmatsu 2011)

History, Geography, and Ecology
* Blood Rites (Barbara Ehrenreich 1995)
Animal Estate (Harriet Ritvo 1987)
Creatures of Empire (Virginia Anderson 2005)
Beyond Beef (Jeremy Rifkin 1995)
Animal Geographies (1998)
* The Others (Paul Shepard 1996)
* Environmental Culture (Val Plumwood 2002)

Thanks Adam !  That's just what I'm interested in learning about.  The H.E.A.L.T.H site looks fascinating too!! 

You've all given me tons of reading to do!

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