Animal Rights Zone

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Animal Experiments textbook: 50% discount ends 29 Feb

Dear friends and colleagues,
Only one more week remains to receive a full 50% discount (£27.50) on my recent hardback textbook on animal experimentation. From the 1st of March unfortunately it returns to the normal price (£55). To obtain this discount the book should be ordered direct from using the discount code WBCOS2011a at the checkout. This offer is not directly available to readers in the US, Canada and Australia, who should contact me for assistance. I will personally ensure none of you miss out.
Further information about the book is below, and at I personally make almost no money from the book, but am very keen to make the information it contains widely available. If you support this objective, please consider forwarding this to others. Thank you.

“Animal experimentation is invariably given a utilitarian justification: the overall good outweighs the overall evil. Knight’s work is the definitive reply to such reasoning. Rigorous examination and analysis of the data simply do not support the empirical conclusion. Deftly written, the book is highly recommended to scientists, philosophers, veterinarians, students, and indeed any layperson with concerns regarding the morality of experimenting on nonhuman animals.” 

Professor Mark H. Bernstein PhD 
Joyce & Edward E. Brewer Chair in Applied Ethics, Purdue University College of Liberal Arts 
Books include Fatalism (University of Nebraska Press, 1992), On Moral Considerability (Oxford University Press, 1998), and Without A Tear (University of Illinois Press, 2004). 

“A timely and valuable contribution to the debate surrounding the use of animals in research. What makes this book stand apart from other similar works is its focus on evidence-based science.”


Andre Menache BSc(Hons), BVSc, MRCVS

Veterinarian & Director, Antidote Europe

Veterinary Practice, 2011


Excellent background reading on the subject.”


Pete Wedderburn MRCVS


The Telegraph, 2011



“Knight presents a wealth of data on the issue of costs and benefits associated with animal experiments and the book goes beyond its title: it also imparts some information on alternatives… The format is excellent for a reader that may not wish to peruse the book from cover to cover as it is very well structured with chapters, each containing introductions, descriptive/informative sub-headings and useful summaries, making navigation through the book very easy.”


Susanne Prankel equiv BSc (Hons), CertFET, PGCert Higher Educ Learning & Teaching, MPhil, PhD, MRCVS

Veterinarian & Senior Lecturer (Biology), Institute of Science and the Environment, University of Worcester

Animals, 2012



"Using a wealth of scientific information, Dr. Knights' book provides a critical and thorough examination of the topic of animal experimentation. The book is excellently organized and easy to follow. I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in medical research and human health."


Aysha Akhtar MD, MPH

Neurologist and Public Health specialist, Food and Drug Administration

Fellow, Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics



A ‘must’ for members of animal ethics committees”.


Jan van der Valk, PhD

Toxicologist, 3Rs-Centre, Utrecht Life Sciences, Netherlands Knowledge Centre on alternatives to animal experiments, Fac. Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht University, The Netherlands



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The Costs and Benefits of Animal Experiements

The Palgrave Macmillan Animal Ethics Series




Few ethical issues create as much controversy as invasive experiments on animals. Some scientists claim they are essential for combating major human disease, or detecting human toxins. Others claim the contrary, backed by thousands of patients harmed by pharmaceuticals developed using animal tests. Some claim all experiments are conducted humanely, to high scientific standards. Yet, a wealth of studies have recently revealed that laboratory animals suffer significant stress, which may distort experimental results.


  • Where, then, does the truth lie?
  • How useful are such experiments in advancing human healthcare?
  • How much do animals suffer as a result?
  • And do students really need to dissect or experiment on animals?
  • What are the effects on their attitudes towards them?


Bioethicist and veterinarian Andrew Knight presents more than a decade of ground-breaking scientific research, analysis and experience to provide evidence-based answers to a key question: is animal experimentation ethically justifiable?


View Sample Chapter

View Companion Website


ANDREW KNIGHT is an Australian Bioethicist and Veterinarian and Fellow of the Oxford Center for Animal Ethics, UK. He has published a suite of studies demonstrating the poor contribution of animal experiments toward human healthcare advancements, which have attracted a series of awards at international scientific conferences. He practices veterinary medicine in the UK.

Learn more about this book
ISBN: 0-230-24392-4 || $85.00 HC || Available Now!
Amazon || Barnes & Noble

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