Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

Hello my name is Kristina and im against animal cruelty. Im still new and I confess im in the process of eliminating and switching to non animal tested products in my house. Im currently down to my dish soup and cloths. If anyone has any suggestions im open. Im also trying to switch to vegan cutting out milk cheese and eggs. Eggs I mostly cook with. I feel very passionate about this. I dont know how people can watch videos putting the truth out there and ignore it. My cat we adopted was seized from a unclean environment. Her two siblings had to be put down, one was sick and the other had too many broken bones. She is the most loving creature on the planet. If only she knew how her brothers and sisters were treated, humans arent worthy of the love and companionship animals give us. I watched a video of a research facility that drilled a hole in a cats head and put a pole in it the blasted it with electrons. What if that we're your pet. That wagging tail thats always happy to see u, or that sweet meow that just wants a scratch behind the ears. This isnt just our planet. What do they get for there pain? They use bunnies for makeup testing because their eyes dont produce tears. They cant even cry when their eyes bleed or went the break their neck trying to escape the harness. No animal should die in the name of beauty or fashion. I threw all of my make up out because honestly i'd rather be ugly then kill a living creature to paint my face up. If women started worrying about the right things they could see we're beautiful without it. my heart aches when I look back at all the living creatures that died so I could be full or look better. And I promise to never forget and to make a difference everyday. Even if it's to post a link to share the cause. Something so small to make people more aware even tho I owe alot more.

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Comment by Barbara Ann Pietrowiak on September 10, 2011 at 16:23

Kristina, I neglected to mention a couple things that might be useful to you.  If there is a Trader Joe's and/or Whole Foods in your area, you;ll find a gold mine of vegan products, expecially Whole Foods--they have a wide variety to chose from and are pricey.  You'll find personal hygien products , dishwasher detergent, laundry detergent, liquid and bar soaps.  My favorite bar soap is Dr. Bonner's (I don't think it's called pepperment, but it has a mint scent to it).  The wtapper is dark blue and white.  So clean and refreshing AND CRUELTY FREE!!  You're doing a great job at exploring.  I bought just about everything at Whole Foods, a little less at TJ's and cat litter at Safeway.  The cow milk alternatives are wonderful--vanilla soy, almond and coconut.


Some of my favorite food items are: lemon tempeh, almond butter, sauted tofu and, for holidays or anytime, Now & Zen's Tofurkey or Turtle Mountain's (?) Unturkey.  (I may have reversed who makes which, but you can't miss 'em.)


Cats (Lily, Blossom, Elijah, Jeremy, Gypsy, Angelique) have already eaten.  I'm ravenous after talking about all this great food.  My turn to eat.


Bye for now.


Stay on the vegan path, the only path to take, and you'll be in great shape!!

Comment by Barbara Ann Pietrowiak on September 10, 2011 at 12:41

Kristina, I've been where you're at.  I think many of us have.  After I read Animal Liberation several years ago, I didn't want to spend a second or a penny that would contribute to the torture and death of nonhuman animals.  A lot of products have the cruelty free bunny logo on them.  They are not tested on animals.  Here's a question for whoever wants to respond:  Are we certain that companies that say their products are cruelty free and have the bunny logo on them aren't sending separate ingredients to an outside lab for cruel non human animal testing?


Good luck Kristina.  You will feel so wonderful that you aren't participating in causing any harm.  It'll become second nature to you sooner than you think.  There's so much vegan stuff out there, in your face, every day.  You won't be carrying any guilt home with your purchase of vegan products.



Comment by Kristina on August 12, 2011 at 13:36
Thank u both so much. I actually went to target today and im trying that brand method dish soap. It looked pretty good I saw the seventh generation Im gonna try their laundry detergent and dishwashing tablets. Im very passionate I think my husband is little freaked out and I wish I could make him see how important this is. And I know its all of a sudden but I didnt know. I had never seen these videos before and after watching idk how anyone could not change. I know it wont happen over night but how could u ignore it. It makes my insides sick.
Comment by Carolyn Bailey on August 12, 2011 at 9:13

Hi Kristina,

Welcome to ARZone! 

It sounds like you're very passionate and very determined to make some wonderful changes to both your own life and the planet. That's great! 

I hope ARZone is able to help in your journey.





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