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We kill 49 Billion Chickens each year as "food" ( UN FAO 2007 PDF ) , my Hen Friend is perfectly sane for being afraid of a...

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Comment by Jordan Wyatt on January 19, 2011 at 18:30
+1 Kate :-)
Comment by Kate✯GO VEGAN+NOBODY GETS HURT Ⓥ on January 19, 2011 at 18:11

Hi Jordan,

I'd say, the sound of it grate across the plate, would be so easy to hate, so yes, I agree with you mate. Also I think suppose we might, that the metal not being light, as she took it in her bite, may have given her a fright. I wonder do you think I'm right?

Comment by Jordan Wyatt on January 19, 2011 at 15:51

Hi Kate,


Its clear that my lovely little Hen Friend *wanted* to pick it up/move the fork, in the slow motion "replay" you'll notice her clearly bite down on it, she didnt just tap it, she really meant to move it.

Metal must be very scary to someone who hasnt heard it grate across a plate, easy to hate, whaddaya say, Kate? (sorry!)

She wanted it to move, she didnt know it would make that awful noise!  They all wanted to check it out afterwards, hence the pecks to see if "it would screech again"

Comment by Kate✯GO VEGAN+NOBODY GETS HURT Ⓥ on January 17, 2011 at 21:22

Hi Carolyn. Thanks for adding this video of Jordan Wyatt's chicken friends. I wonder what it was about the fork that was so scary. Perhaps it was the sound it made as the stem of the fork scratched along the plate when she tried to pick it up. Whatever it was it clearly took her by surprise.

These beautiful hens remind me of my hen friends (and one cockerel) who were my companions when I was growing up. One of these hens, named Beth, was as fearless and friendly as this one who stays on his knee for a while.


Actually whilst on the subject of chickens or hens, or however we may refer to them, I wonder if people are aware that some people say we shouldn't refer to these birds as chickens, as in some parts of the world "chicken" refers only to chicken flesh. They say we should always call them hens if we are referring to individuals who are alive. Although many do not recognise this and use the word "hen" only to refer to the females. Those who reject the term "chicken" say that the word is an offensive euphemism that would be similar to referring to a living dog as "fragrance" or "fragrant meat". 



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