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Vegan video from 1976 - part 1 of 3

Originally shown on the BBC as part of the Open Door series. Now it's a historical look back at vegans of the 1970's

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Comment by animalwelfareeduc on November 27, 2022 at 20:53
Here is some recent information about Tom Sanders, the young nutritional researcher interviewed near the beginning of the programme, in 2022;

Comment by animalwelfareeduc on November 27, 2022 at 20:53
Here is some recent information about Tom Sanders, the young nutritional researcher interviewed near the beginning of the programme, in 2022;
Comment by animalwelfareeduc on April 7, 2020 at 21:39
Harold Bland, one of the prominent people on the programme was interviewed     yesterday  (6th April 2020)  on a   local radio station. The interview can be heard here;
Harold Bland on the 1976 Vegan Society TV programme;

Comment by animalwelfareeduc on February 15, 2018 at 8:48
Some recent news about another of the participants in the programme;

Comment by animalwelfareeduc on January 10, 2018 at 3:32

Also, some news, the video received more than a quarter of a million views on its first 30 days on this new Plant Based News post, although sound is better synchronised on the YouTube version(link below);

Comment by animalwelfareeduc on January 10, 2018 at 3:21

Below link to Tom Sanders page on Kings College website seems no longer working, perhaps because he is retired now. Some info is still here however;

Googling Tom Sanders nutritionist will probably also find more recent information about him. 
Comment by animalwelfareeduc on September 9, 2015 at 0:36
Here is a recent update on Tom Sanders, the young nutritional researcher who was interviewed in the early part of the programme;
An interview with Harold and Jenny Blands daughter (their baby in the 1976 programme) made in 2012 can be heard here;
Harry Bonnie was still performing 32 years later (in 2008), at age 83;
Outstanding and magnetic comedian, vegan since 1961. In good shape, full head of hair, eighty-three years of age. Clean act, laughs at own jokes!
I attended Serina Coles 95th birthday party in 2005. She did not seem able to speak, but she smiled a lot at other attenders, including myself. (Whenever I spoke to her she would smile at me in reply, but I have no idea if she understood what I was saying).
Kathleen Janaway died in 2003 at age 87, following a tragic accident when she broke a leg after slipping on an icy path. Here is a summary of her life and work;



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