Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

Episode 52 features special guest, Dr. Melanie Joy.

Dr. Joy is a social psychologist, a professor of psychology and sociology, and a celebrated speaker who has spent many years researching the psychology of eating meat, systems of oppression and strategic social change. Running time approx. 53 minutes.

Please listen H E R E, or visit this webpage to subscribe using iTunes, and please remember to visit the podcast page to view a complete listing of all ARZone podcasts.

Melanie is the author of two books Strategic Action for Animals as well as Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows, which explores what she calls Carnism, the ideology of why we consider some individuals our friends and some our food. She has also authored numerous articles on psychology, animal advocacy and social justice.

She has been involved in the animal advocacy community for more than 20 years, working as an activist and an educator, and has recently announced the launch of Carnism Awareness and Action Network (CAAN) which is the first organisation to focus exclusively on the psychological and social underpinnings of eating other animals.

To learn more about the Carnism Awareness and Action Network (CAAN) please visit the Carnism website at


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Loved the podcast.
I think it would be great if you did a follow up one on the topic you briefly touched on, the huge gender difference within the movement.
For example, Australia and Queensland in particular tend to be very matriarchal, which is different to overseas.

Keep up the good work ;)

Great podcast! Thanks for making it happen.

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