Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

Both Taxpayers and Animals Lose on This One if Not Stopped

As a taxpayer and lover of animals I have just learned that the National Institutes of Health is delaying action they promised to do in relation to the remaining 100 or so chimpanzees they are supposed to transfer to the Chimp Haven Sanctuary now using the excuse they feel it would best to let them “age in place” rather than transfer them. “Age in place” simply means keeping them there until they pass away but not using them for research anymore. Knowing how researchers do not want to give up their psychopathic desires to continue to inflict unnecessary pain on creatures I feel they are accomplishing their objective by continuing to use the chimps for such research by experimenting on maybe one or two at a time and if they die from such usage they will claim “it is because of old age.” This is why as a lover of animals I protest such exploitation of animals.


Now as a taxpayer it angers me even more to know they are using $80.00 of our taxpayer’s dollars to keep these chimps to age in place. With 100 or more chimps remaining this amount of taxpayer dollars will add up real fast. Then on top of all this, the results for using animal research have proven not to be reliable because of the difference in anatomy between animals and humans.


If you are as outraged as I am here is what you can do:


Contact NIH as follows:


By Letter:


National Institutes of Health 9000 Rockville Pike Bethesda, Maryland 20892

By e-mail:

Email messages are answered Monday–Friday, 9 a.m.–4 p.m. Eastern Time, except federal holidays. We do our best to respond within 48 hours.

General questions: sends e-mail) Research grants and funding questions: sends e-mail) Questions about our Web site: sends e-mail)

Contáctenos en Español(link sends e-mail)

By Phone:

301-496-4000 TTY 301-402-9612

Also, because this is a federal issue, please contact your Congressional representative to ask them why the NIH is ignoring the guidelines of the CHIMP (Chimpanzee Health Improvement, Maintenance, and Protection) Act and let them know your feelings on the matter so they are aware of the public’s opinion


And by all means pass on to others.

301-496-4000 TTY 301-402-9612

Also, because this is a federal issue, please contact your Congressional representative to ask them why the NIH is ignoring the guidelines of the CHIMP (Chimpanzee Health Improvement, Maintenance, and Protection) Act and let them know your feelings on the matter so they are aware of the public’s opinion


And by all means pass on to others.

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