Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

Both Your State and Federal Tax dollars Support Wastefu and Unnecessaru Animal Experiments


A lot of controversy has been going on in my home state of Virginia concerning our local VA Hospital conducting useless and wasteful experiment on dogs funded by our Federal tax dollars as well as now Virginia's tax dollars.  State Senator Bill Stanley said “I was truly shocked when I learned state funds, state taxpayer money is going to the cruel and inhumane treatment of dogs all in the name of science,” and was appalled by the experiments, which have involved at least 39 dogs having pacemakers surgically implanted as part of a heart disease study. All of the dogs involved are eventually euthanized.

Documents obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request show that the Commonwealth of Virginia contributed to the funding for the McGuire Medica Center’s dog experiments.

Sen. Stanley states he has already drafted legislation that would ban the use of Virginia taxpayer money for any research projects that harm dogs.

Virginians need to contact their state senators to co-sign and vote for this legislation once Senator Stanley releases his bill.  Then you need to contact your House of Delegates member to contact Senator Stanley to find out how similar legislation under a companion bill can be introduced in the House of Delegates.

If you want your Federal and state taxes reduced this is one way of doing so.

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