Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

Divide and Conquer - Doing the work of the exploiters for them

This first article asks: "Imagine government bureaucrats telling livestock farmers how much space to allow for each of their animals. Couldn't happen here, right? Maybe in China or the old Soviet Union, but not in Minnesota."

In other words, advocates for other animals are just like the big bad communists -- run for your lives!!!

The second article, which is really just a right-wing hit job on PeTA and HSUS says: "When People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) announced that it was suing SeaWorld under the 13th Amendment of the Constitution for “enslaving” killer whales, the reaction was predictable: Derision. After all, it’s PETA - the same people who claim giving a kid a hamburger is child abuse. It’s just another media stunt, right?

In fact, we should be quite concerned about animal rights activism in the courts."

Now, I suppose that when advocates for other animals join in the chorus of voices decrying the actions of PeTA and HSUS, as if those organizations weren't actually on the same side in this struggle as we all are, as if they were somehow out to do harm to the movement and to other animals, then we are playing directly into the hands of the people who most oppose what we are trying to do. I believe that people opposed to animals' rights and veganism like nothing better than to see advocates for other animals tearing each other down - think of the work it saves them!

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