Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

As you all know I am getting ready for the big seal protest. Now why is this important?

All of you at animal rights zone knows why saving a species is so important and why commercial slaughter of animals is wrong, so I won't go in details, but a few things I'd like to mention.

First of, for all of you that are not visiting facebook or the ARZ ning events section:

Location and time:
Jan. 17, 2010 - 1pm-3pm
299 queen St. W. - Toronto
(Queen St. & John St.)

There are already 40+ confirmed guests on facebook and 70+ maybe attending.
We will give out Free "Save our Seals -" buttons to the first 40 people to arrive.

What will volunteers do?

Holding signs
collecting signatures/emails for petition
handing out literature
educating the public on seal & fur
1-2 people will be wearing seal costume (we are getting one)
1-2 people to take video and photos
1-2 people on megaphone

We currently have 8 good signs and supposedly getting 2 more packages by mail this week.
we have hundreds of fliers and clipboards for petitions.

If you have any signs or literature please bring them.
Any suggestions or comments let me know.

confirm attending:
Michael Lanfield
Ambient New World
Join our facebook group -
our forum -

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