Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

Legislation That Would Make Mockery the term, "refuge" in a Wildlife Refuge

If legislation continues to be passed like the one I list in the paragraph that follows the word, “refuge”, in the phrase, “wildlife refuge” will be made a mockery and completely fool people when visiting these so called wildlife refuges that the animals there are completely free from any hunting, trapping or fishing activity.

My congressman, Rob Wittman, from Virginia just helped introduce Keep America’s Refuges Operational Act, H.R. 3979, which will reauthorize the National Wildlife Refuge System volunteer, community partnership and education programs that help ensure Americans can visit, explore, fish, hunt, and study wildlife for generations to come. These programs exist in all 50 states and five territories.

When refuges were founded it was the intent to provide land where wildlife could exist free from human intrusion with the intent to not harm, kill or injure the animals that resided there.

It is a shame that there can be no longer any land set aside by our government in all the public lands it has control of that the existing refuges cannot be allowed to give the animals a place where they can feel free from the harmful intrusion of man to continue his lustful, very unsportsmanlike urge to kill and slaughter animals.

Therefore please contact your congressman in Washington to urge defeat of this not only deceptive but very unnecessary piece of legislation.

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