Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

Animal Rights Zone Vegan Buddies Flyer


ARZone are in the process of producing and making available for download a series of Animal Rights Zone flyers which can be downloaded from our site. We hope that these flyers may be of use to our members in their advocacy, and encourage you to download and print them out. 

This first flyer, which highlights our Vegan Buddies Programme, was kindly made for ARZone by Billy Lovci, and is a .PDF file. It is a colour flyer, setup for 8.5" x 11" (21.5cm x 28cm). 


ARZone Flyer.pdf

Views: 111

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Since A4 size paper is the standard size for all countries in the world except Canada and the United States:, and ARZone seems to me to be quite UK and Australasian in flavour, I wonder why this flyer is offered only in US Letter size? What about offering it in both formats?

This is the best I could do. Since I didn't really know what I was doing, I did it the only way I knew how, and it has made the file three times as big. Still, it might be a help to someone.

Later: I see I have the orientation wrong, but after trying, I have not been able to change it. Sorry.





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