Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

Kath Worsfold
  • Female
  • Auckland, Auckland
  • New Zealand
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Kath Worsfold's Friends

  • Billy L
  • Janine Laura Bronson
  • Kerry Baker
  • Anastasia Yarbrough
  • Bea Elliott
  • Carolyn Bailey

Kath Worsfold's Discussions

What do you think of people eating eggs?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Susan Cho Apr 14, 2012. 20 Replies

To explain, I have met a couple of people recently who eat eggs while claiming to be vegan. One person had an aunt who had rescued chickens, whose eggs she and her aunt ate. Another runs an animal…Continue

Tags: hens, rescue, vegan, eggs

Raw vegan 70 year old lady looks about 35

Started Apr 1, 2012 0 Replies

Very interesting news clip. There are rewards for living a compassionate lifestyle.

Tags: raw, healthy, food, vegan

Someone "Gets It".

Started Feb 10, 2012 0 Replies

In view of some of the recent comments about how people "won't look", "won't listen", etc. to evidence of what is actually going on, and seem to be in denial, here is a post that appeared on a…Continue

Hi from New Zealand.

Started this discussion. Last reply by Jordan Wyatt Feb 10, 2012. 7 Replies

Hi. My name is Kath, and I live on a 15 acre bush block about 45 minutes north of Auckland. I was born in Canada, and moved here as a young woman many years ago, so I now consider myself a…Continue


Kath Worsfold's Page

Comment Wall (6 comments)

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At 12:40 on October 3, 2012, Carolyn Bailey said…

Thanks, Kath! :) 

At 15:00 on May 18, 2012, Billy L said…

Thanks Kath, more of a co-ordinator - we're all Vegan Buddies! :)

At 10:45am on January 22, 2012, Janine Laura Bronson gave Kath Worsfold a gift
At 10:24 on January 22, 2012, Janine Laura Bronson said…

Welcome to ARZone I also saw Bold Native and was very impressed at how well it was made. Regarding types of Animal Advocacy it is really inspiring to see such detail, and I'm studying about speciesism at University, where the professors claim that in dozens and dozens of years there has not really been much progress despite all the experiments pointing out the truth people still seem to wish to believe utter nonesense that is spread by way of propaganda by the various industries to further their own interests...


have you also watched

A Sacred Duty?


At 11:53am on January 17, 2012, Kate✯GO VEGAN+NOBODY GETS HURT Ⓥ gave Kath Worsfold a gift
At 0:43 on December 6, 2011, Kate✯GO VEGAN+NOBODY GETS HURT Ⓥ said…

Hello Kath. Welcome to Animal Rights Zone.




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