Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

Anita Parsons
  • 48, Female
  • Australia
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Rudozem Street Dog Rescue

I am the Secretary for Rudozem Street Dog Rescue also known as RSDR. I support Tony & Diane Rowles in rescuing the many hundreds and thousands of street dogs in the Rudozem area in Bulgaria.

Bulgaria has many street dogs who are often subjected to the most horrendous cruelty. They are kicked, beaten and shot on a regular basis for no other reason than that it provides certain individuals with amusement. Many of these dogs are injured, in pain, or starving and in the winter there is a high chance that they will freeze to death.

Since moving to Bulgaria in 2007, we have rescued many of these dogs. We sometimes have as many as 40 dogs and pups staying with us at our home. We do struggle to accommodate them all and there is the constant worry that the noise is upsetting and disturbing to neighbours. We desperately need a shelter.

We have an adoptions team in Holland and whenever possible, we find loving homes for our dogs. Some have suffered so much abuse that they are unsuitable for adoption and stay with us as permanent residents. Apart from the dogs that we do take in, we try and keep a check on others that are still on the streets or living in the forests, making sure that they are fed and if possible treated for parasites.

Our aim is to raise funds to open a shelter so that we can start a sterilization scheme. It will also be used for dogs whose lives are in imminent danger, due to sickness or injury. It is unrealistic to think that we can get all the dogs off the street, but this will reduce the number of puppies who are born to this life of misery. These are not dangerous wild dogs or dogs that are a danger to livestock, many are friendly dogs who are craving love and attention. It is heartbreaking to see one of them go up to a person, wagging its tail and rolling over only to be kicked and spat on.

Please help us to help them

If you would like to know more please go to our website or email me at

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