Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

Lack of campaigning for Animal Rights?

It seems to me that what the AR movement is lacking is an AR movement...I mean that there seems to be a distinct lack of campaigning specifically for animals to have rights...


yes many campaigns against eg vivisection, 'meat'/dairy, fur etc - and rightly so - but imho we need to have an AR campaign...I know some seem against promoting AR specifically at this time but I genuinely do not understand that.


I know there is Uncaged's Universal Declaration of Animal Rights and it is brilliant...but I personally feel it should be a stand-alone campaign, that we need a group campaigning specifically and solely for needs an official-sounding name 'British Society...' or some such, and I also feel we need to do similar to the Gay Pride marches...and could have floats re various animal abuses for impact.


I wondered what are the views re this from others here.


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Comment by Brandon Becker on March 3, 2011 at 23:46
Roger: I support a strategy of promoting veganism, campaigning against speciesism, and advocating rights. Social change is necessary before political change can be possible, due to the reality of economically-powerful corporations getting their way with politicians as well as the fact that if rights were extended to other animals we'd need most citizens to voluntarily respect the law or else it would be a failure in enforcement.
Comment by Eduardo Terrer on March 3, 2011 at 17:31



Realmente, ahora mismo creo que el trabajo de IA (AE) está más centrado en las investigaciones. Los rescates abiertos son más puntuales. Las mesas informativas y los actos con carteles a pie de calle son continuos.

Los actos "especiales" como, por ejemplo, el del Dia de los derechos de los animales (

son más puntuales. Actos similares pero más pequeños los hacen más a menudo.


Y especialmente considero que ahora mismo su trabajo "más fuerte" está centrado en investigar, en entrar en granjas y mataderos y documentar lo que sucede. Por ejemplo:


Saludos antiespecistas

Comment by Kate✯GO VEGAN+NOBODY GETS HURT Ⓥ on March 3, 2011 at 5:46

Hi Richard. Thanks for your comment. I agree!

In reference to what you say here's the "about us" from the English version of the Animal Equality website.

Animal Equality is an international non-profit organisation dedicated to achieving equal consideration and respect for animals and promote a vegan lifestyle. Founded in Madrid, Spain in January 2006 we are currently active in Spain, the United Kingdom, Venezuela and Colombia.


OUR MISSION - Working for nonhuman animals
Animal Equality works to raise public awareness of the suffering and death of non-human animals in our society. We demonstrate that speciesism is the cause of their exploitation and call for the abolition of animal use whilst encouraging the public to adopt a vegan lifestyle.


We work to obtain respect for animals by:

• Educating the public about speciesism and veganism through leafletting, information stalls, talks, workshops, vegan food tastings, media work and online advocacy.
• Investigating places of animal exploitation such as farms, slaughterhouses, circuses and zoos to expose the reality to the public.
• Carrying out open rescues from places of animal exploitation and finding long-term safe homes and sanctuaries for the rescued animals.
• Engaging in peaceful demonstrations and non-violent direct action to bring attention to the plight of animals.


We are an abolitionist group. Our goal is the abolition of animal use, but we do not support welfare reforms, or changes in the way animals are exploited, to achieve this. Reforms in animal treatment have shown to benefit exploiters by increasing efficiency and profit, as well as encouraging the public to feel more comfortable about consuming animal products. We do not promote the environmental or health benefits of veganism as we believe this weighs against our moral duties to non-human animals. Instead we keep the focus on animal rights. Animal Equality will only work with other organisations with these same values.

Speciesism is a form of discrimination against individuals of other species. Since all animals, human and non-human, are sentient with the capacity to feel emotions and sensations such as pleasure, pain, joy or fear, and as all possess the desire to continue living, this discrimination is both unscientific and unethical. Just like racism or sexism, speciesism discriminates for arbitrary and unfair reasons. Instead of gender or skin colour, speciesism discriminates against someone simply for not being human.

Veganism is the refusal to contribute to the exploitation of animals by choosing a varied plant-based diet free of animal products, using vegan cosmetics, household products, shoes and clothing, and entertaining ourselves without the use of animals.

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Comment by Brandon Becker on March 2, 2011 at 23:48
Responsible Policies for Animals' campaigns exclusively for rights:

RPA distingues this both from "welfarism" (which is defined by RPA in the same way it has traditionally been defined) and from "abolitionism" (which is defined by RPA as working to abolish the exploitation of other animals through promoting veganism, fighting industries, and other means instead of working to establish rights):

See the RPA's draft Bill of Animal Rights here:

I have some disagreements with RPA's strategy but am in fundamental agreement with the necessity of rights for meaningful protection.
Comment by Kate✯GO VEGAN+NOBODY GETS HURT Ⓥ on March 1, 2011 at 22:14
05 March · 14:30 - 16:30

Outside the National gallery
Trafalgar Square

Created by:

More info
We're having a demonstration for veganism on March 5th!

Come and educate people on the injustice of speciesism and the solution - veganism! We need people to hold placards and video screens, distribute vegan leaflets and talk to the public.

Date: Saturday 5th March

Time: 2:30pm till 4:30pm

Location: Outside the Museum, Trafalgar Square.

If you'd like to help, just contact - 07538 431754


If it rains the demo will be cancelled.
Comment by Kate✯GO VEGAN+NOBODY GETS HURT Ⓥ on March 1, 2011 at 22:13

Hi Red Dog. I wasn't sure if what I said would be welcome so I removed it. With your encouragement I'll approximately repeat what I said. Thanks. :)


Hi CatC thanks for posting this.

I wonder if you're aware of the great work being done by Igualdad Animal / Animal Equality.

It seems to me that their campaigning corrresponds with what you describe although much of their philosophy is phrased in terms of anti-speciesism rather than Animal Rights. The overall purpose of what they do is similar, although it may be considered more radical. Here's what the British contingent of Animal Equality are doing this Saturday in London. I hope this may be interesting and/or useful to you.


Comment by red dog on March 1, 2011 at 21:18
Did Kate's reply disappear? I thought it was a good one.



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