Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

Bold Native is a fiction feature film. Charlie Cranehill, an animal liberator wanted by the United States government for domestic terrorism, emerges from the...

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Comment by Kath Worsfold on January 17, 2012 at 6:44

I thought the film was very good, clearly showing the different types of Animal Advocacy in existence today. Some stereotypes were a bit off the mark, I thought. The welfarist woman who was campaigning for only slightly bigger cages, aiming so low - does this type of person exist in the real world? Certainly not in New Zealand. Though the movie was fast paced with a lot of movement and action, sometimes I found it a bit disjointed, as I wondered who these people were who suddenly appeared. There were several groups, and the action quickly zigzagged between them. There was just enough footage of animal harm to show clearly what the issue is, without having so much that people would actually stop watching the film.

The ending was fairly realistic - quite chilling. I won't say more, for fear of being a spoiler. Whether Charlie's father's attitude at the end was plausible, I'm not too sure. I'd like to think so.

Summing up, it was well worth watching, and it would make people start to think about the issues, if they haven't already.

Comment by red dog on January 13, 2012 at 16:59

A meetup to discuss it in real life is a great idea too! I think I've either blocked or deleted most of the people I know who'd be interested, though. Oh well ...

Comment by red dog on January 12, 2012 at 14:11

Thanks for posting this. I had been meaning to see Bold Native for a while and I'm still collecting my thoughts now that I have. If there are any members' workshops coming up, I suggest that all or part of a workshop be devoted to a discussion of this film.



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