Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

Q: What if anything gives you hope for the future? What is the most positive thing you see going on right now that might liberate animals?

Tim Gier:

I live in the American south. When I see a group of 12 & 13 year old kids walking home from school and one of them is Asian, two of them are white, and three of them are black, I have hope. A lot has changed in my lifetime, and I’m not that old.

My mom is 82 years old and other than the cream she puts in her coffee, she almost never eats any animal products at all. My younger daughter has been vegan for about 3 months. They give me hope. The most positive thing I see going on right now may surprise you, because others may see it as a negative, but that is the level of disagreement within the “community” that anyone can read about any day, any time. Let me explain. Any time that there is a consensus view, where there are established ideas and recognized ways of doing things, innovation has stopped and progress has ended. The internet helps us cut through all that. Don’t like what PeTA or someone else stands for? Then speak up, agitate a little, get people talking, challenge the order, find a new way, make things better. Disagree with someone who holds a position of power or authority. What’s stopping us?

We are the best hope for the liberation of other animals. Each of us, right now. We don’t need any groups, organizations, conferences or anything else. Let’s shake things up a little bit and get more people talking and thinking.



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Any time that there is a consensus view, where there are established ideas and recognized ways of doing things, innovation has stopped and progress has ended.

I agree! 

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