Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

ARZone Podcast 60: Karol Orzechowski - Maximum Tolerated Dose

Episode 60 features activist, vegan and creator of still and moving images, Karol Orzechowski.

Karol Orzechowski, a long time advocate for social justice causes, has recently produced and directed the full length documentary Maximum Tolerated Dose. MTD presents accounts of experimentation on other animals from the perspectives of the humans who have performed it as well as of the other animals who have survived it. Karol speaks with ARZone about his art and his activism - how they come together and how they stay apart. Audio podcast approx 95 minutes.

Please click H E R E to listen or visit this webpage to subscribe using iTunes, and please remember to visit the podcast page to view a complete listing of all ARZone podcasts.


Please click here for more information on the film Maximum Tolerated Dose.

Find MTD on Facebook.

Visit this page to keep up with all of Karol's work: Decipher Images.

To learn more about MTD's Lush Prize click here.

Join Fighting Animal Testing on Facebook.

Karol mentions the online archive Conflict Gypsy.

Read Tom Regan's ARZone interview

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I spent most of the past weekend re-decorating a couple of bedrooms and after a busy day at work today (monday) did not cherish the prospect of more painting after work tonight, but it had to be done. 

It has been a few weeks since i found time to listen to any podcasts, so i decided to listen to this podcast with Karol tonight whilst painting. That was the easiest 1.5hrs of decorating I have ever done. 

I find most of the podcasts that ARZone produce to be interesting, informative, educational and entertaining and this one was no exception. The depth of both questions and responses is so considered and articulate that I really am inspired by this and indeed, all of the podcasts that you produce.

I often feel quite isolated in my animal advocacy, but ARZone podcasts renew, develop, structure and inspire my position. 

So the purpose of this post is to offer a small but genuine and heartfelt thank you to Carolyn, Tim and all of the other AR Zone staff and guests for opening up the world of animal advocacy in such spectacular detail; you are creating a wonderful resource that will hopefully empower many advocates to achieve genuine progress in pursuing justice for animals.

cheers, Clarke

Thanks for your very kind words, Clarke! We're always really grateful when people take the time to listen to the ARZone podcasts, and even happier when they get something positive out of them! 

It's always a real pleasure to speak with the amazing people we do, they're all truly inspiring. 

Thanks for taking the time to comment, and for your support! We all appreciate it very much! 

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