Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

Hi I'm Margaret,

            I love animals and have been vegetarian most of my life (since I was about 7 years old and realised where meat came from!)

I have 2 ponies, a dog (Lancashire Heeler) two cats, and two pet ferrets.

I do all that I can to prevent animal cruelty and I totally oppose all animal experiments. 

I love wild hedgehogs and wildlife in general.  I am a member of British Divers Marine Life Rescue (trained as a Marine Mammal Medic).  BUAV, WCDS, League against Cruel Sports, and One KInd.

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Hi Margaret,


Welcome to ARZone!

Thanks for posting this introduction, it's a pleasure to learn about who you are. 

It's very interesting and very inspiring to hear that you chose to be vegetarian at such a young age. How did the rest of your family react to that decision? I think it was very brave!

I'm very interested in marine life too. I think most marine life suffers terribly because they're mostly invisible to the majority of humanity, and, like the world's oceans, it's impossible to see the destruction and death we're causing because most of it is out of sight. 

Please feel free to give us a shout if there's anything we can help with in ARZone. :)


Thanks Sky.  I am almost vegan now...I avoid animal produce wherever possible!


Best Wishes,


Thanks Carolyn.  My parents were supportive luckily as they were animal lovers too. 

However at first my Mum hadn't got a clue what to substitute for me to eat, but gradually we explored options.  My parents ended up eating very little meat as well.   As does my husband since he met me when he was 15 and I was 14 years old! 

I do the cooking so he eats what I eat!


Margaret xx



Hi Barbara,

I went to school in Cockermouth.  A little market town on the edge of the Lake District.  There used to be a slaughter house there, in the middle of the town.  One day I saw a cattle truck with bullocks in going there.  I asked my Mum what was happening to the cattle and she told me. 

I immediately made the decision that I did not want to kill any animals, and I told my Mum that I would not eat any more meat.  Luckily she understood and supported me. 

I brought my son up as a vegetarian, and as he got older he made the decision himself that he did not want to eat meat. 

I think that most people understand when you say that you love animals therefore you do not want to eat them. 

Nice to speak to you Barbara!

Margaret x



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