Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

Humans driving extinction faster than species can evolve, say experts.

The IUCN created shock waves with its major assessment of the world's b... in 2004, which calculated that the rate of extinction had reached 100-1,000 times that suggested by the fossil
records before humans.

No formal calculations have been published since, but conservationists agree the rate of loss has increased since then, and Stuart said it was possible that the dramatic predictions of
experts like the renowned Harvard biologist E O Wilson, that the rate of loss could reach 10,000 times the background rate in
two de...
, could be correct.


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Hi. This may be a good place for a discussion about the reasoning that motivates most humans' concerns about species extinctions.

I will offer a quote from Joan Dunayer's brilliant book SPECIESISM, pages 14-15.

" Along with "wildlife conservationists," many self-styled environmentalists view most or all nonhumans strictly in terms of their species membership. Concerned only that species remain viable, they regard individual nonhumans as expendable. They value members of endangered species more than members of highly populous species. To be consistent (and nonspeciesist), these "environmentalists" would have to value the life of an Atlantic salmon more than the life of a human because, in environmental terms, there are too few Atlantic salmons and far too many humans. But most so-called environmentalists make an exception for humans, even though human overpopulation causes environmental devastation and humans are the chief destroyers of species and ecosystems. Ironically, the primary cause of the species extinctions that environmentalists bewail is the very speciesism to which they subscribe: the belief that humans, being the best and most important creatures, are entitled to capture other animals, genetically manipulate them, kill them, and appropriate their land. Like all other speciesists, most environmentalists apply a double standard."
Unsurpising...humans destruction knows no bounds.

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