Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

So I was on Green is the new red's website and came across two articles where a couple of states passed bills to make exposing animal cruelty illegal. What the hell is wrong with these politicans, they label environmentalist as terrorist really? You dont have anything more important to do in the goverment than to bitch about people wanting to saving the same planet you live on and the animls you call pets. REALLY? You'd rather eat meat pumped full of antibiotics and cows with bacteria and send people who dont do anything more than exercise their freedom of speech to jail. You wanna abuse the planet kill all the animals on it while filling people full of chemicals that create dieases but we're the criminals. Ok must be nice living in the fake world you call denial.

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that's guys it already out. I think it said October 2 at the end.

 "a couple of states passed bills to make exposing animal cruelty illegal."   ???? 

What the heck? What states did this? That is so crazy! :(

Here's a couple of the articles. It won't let me cut and paste for some reason. so far Iowa, Florida, and Minnesota I think. it's sad politicans are really doing this. People are so corrupt in their moral values. this is why I have no faith in people. and this is the people that are raising the youth that will replace them. where will it stop if we can't teach our children compassion.


Update:  the three states in question (Florida, Minnesota, and Iowa) did NOT pass these bills. 

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