Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

Hello Everyone, 


I am a U.S. Soldier currently stationed in Baghdad, Iraq and I am a vegan. I have been vegan now for 1 year, thanks to the guidance and support from my daughter, and I could not be happier. As you could imagine, it is very challenging to be a vegan here in Iraq. Fortunately, the food selection is quite good, and it is easy for me to maintain my values. I would venture to guess that I am the only vegan here, as most people regularly indulge in prime rib, lobster, cheeseburgers and pizza. I constantly try to talk to people about their eating choices, but I have not had much luck. 

I made the change from a meat eater to a vegetarian in January 2010 and lost 50 lbs. in 6 months and then made the switch to all vegan. I have constantly refined what I eat and use in order to ensure full compliance. It can sometimes be difficult, especially using products that are cruelty free. Becoming a vegan for me was a spiritual awakening and has allowed me to be much more aware of myself and my place in the world. My wife, daughter, and two sons are also vegans, and we also have two vegan dogs and one vegan cat!

Thank you for allowing me to join this group. 

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Hi Paul, Nice to meet you :).

Hi Paul,

Welcome to ARZone!

I agree with Barb, your story is an amazing one, and very inspiring!

I'm really glad that you found ARZone. Thank you for joining, and for everything else you do. Please stay safe!



The vegan cat is the hardest part!
Welcome to the site Paul. Hell of an effort in such a challenging environment! I'm particularly interested in human interactions with other animals in workplaces - so if you've got any insights from a fairly unique sort of workplace that you'd like to share, I'd be fascinated to hear about it.

Hello Helen,

Iraq is a country that has been struggling for basic needs for the last 8 years. Unfortunately, most humans live day to day and barely have enough to live. THere is no effort to help animals here. As a member of the US military, we are ordered to avoid contact with any kind of animals for concern of rabies. I have seen an occasional stray cat and dog, but any other animals are not visible. You will be pleased to know that hundreds of pigeons have taken up residence in many of the former palaces of Saddam Hussein and seem to be doing quite well. 

Hi Paul, Welcome and good to meet you.


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