Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

Hello, I have been a meat eater (onlychicken and fish) till now. One of the reasons has been that I hate legumes, grains and flour-based products.


Neverthless, I am now trying to become a vegan. Can you suggest any website with recipes without beans/grains and flour?


I know that I probably ask the impossible.



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Any raw vegan and/or gluten free vegan recipe site should be able to help you. There are SO many ways to be vegan and there's hardly anything you can't find on the internet.


If you take out animal products, grains, beans, and flour, you have left fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. There's a HUGE number of things to choose from within those categories.

Hmm, nothing is impossible with a bit of imagination and dedication :). When i did a 2 month vegan experiment for a university class I pretty much lived off soups, the cool thing about soups is you can get or make SOO many different kinds variant on your preferences. Soups like Gingered Squash Soup (Msg me if yud like the recipe), Roasted Tomato & Chile Soup, and Miso Soup with Tofu.


I quite enjoy japanese/chinese/vietnamese food, much of which can definitely be vegan/bean-free/grain-free/flour-free. 

Soba noodles are made from buckwheat flour if you are able to eat it. Its delicious, nutty and very versatile. It was staple in my pantry over the summer because it pairs well with homemade pestos and tomato sauces.

Ive made the sandwich to the link above, and it is divine! you just have to make sure the bread you use is vegan :)


When you say you dislike grains, do you mea the everyday brown, white and wild rices? or have you tried the different kinds of quinoa, lentils, millet, barley, etc? there are many different ways to use these ancient and delicious grains :) 


My advice to you, besides message me up if youd like a few recipes, is, be adventurous! try new things, think out of the box. I have eaten some really really amazing home-cooked vegan meals, and some really nasty ones. You don't know if you like it until you try it :) 


Good luck!!



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