Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

No kill shelters state in their own declaration Whereas, the right to live is every animal’s most basic and fundamental right”

It’s clear the “no kill” movement care only about dogs and cats and all other animals are viewed as nothing more than “food”

How you may ask?

The very same “no kill” shelters that promote “no kill” support the killing of other animals by routinely doing the following:

  • Have “fundraising BBQ’S” in which they sell and promote pork or beef sausages.
  • Promote and sell “cook books” that promote and advocate recipes that use meat.
  • Have and promote “meat pie fundraisers” again which promote the meat industry.

Can they not see the blatant hypocrisy in this?

On one hand these people say we should “no kill” dogs or cats but on the other they are more than happy to endorse meat eating and support the meat industry by purchasing meat products.

Sadly all this does is promote to society that the cute fluffy companion animals are the only ones worth saving and other species are not worthy of being considered “no kill”

The “no kill” movement is by its actions advocating that “food” animals don’t deserve the same protections or rights as non food animals which is not logical as all are sentient beings.

Such attitudes are speciesist.

The “no kill” declaration statement is completely false, misleading, and a blatant lie. It is founded on unethical, speciesist principles.

How can we ever hope to have all animals valued when we have the “no kill” movement saying dogs and cats are more important than other animals?

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I once found a dog wandering the streets with no collar and no tags...I picked her up and searched for a possible owner.  After searching for hours, I put adds in the paper and posted her pic all over the area.  I kept her with me while I was hunting for her family. A week went by with me searching and working to find the home she left.  I really was not in a position to have another pet. I went home to call the SPCA to see if I could take her there and they could adopt her out,  and they said if no one claimed her within 3 days they would put her to sleep. I called CAPS and they told me the same thing.  I told both places "I did not rescue this baby from the street so that you could kill her".  I was at a loss and she is so adorable.  Someone at work told me about a "no Kill" shelter...I called them and they said they would be happy to take her.  I was happy to know that I would be taking her to her death...(I wouldn't have been able to do that anyway)  I ended up just keeping her and I have had her for 8 years now. She is my child and I adore her.  I am very happy that "no kill" shelters do exist so that at least those dogs and cats can be spared.  

However, having said all that..... I agree 100% that they are hypocritical for only supporting the saving of dogs and cats, however, I am happy that they do have a "no Kill" policy towards dogs and cats. I have since known several people that have rescued their dogs and cats from a no kill shelter. I am happy that these places do exist.  Having said that, I am not happy to learn that they are not vegan organizations.  If they feel no remorse using other animals for food, this is wrong, to say the least, and perhaps someone should have a conversation with the owners and/or directors of the shelters to educate them.  I would not say "all or none" however. So I am very happy that they do spare the lives of dogs and cats. I went to visit the "no kill" shelter some time after, and they also had very cute birds of all sizes, turtles, snakes, and ferrets.  


Nath, I do see the hypocrisy ... or the disconnect. I did animal rescue years ago. I had a yard full of rescued horses and dogs and turkeys and so on. I cared very much about animals (and humans) and tried to do my best for all of them. But I wasn't vegan at the time ... not because I was heartless and uncaring, but because I simply didn't understand.


I would say that people who work at shelters are excellent folks to talk to about veganism. They're already thinking about animals and possibly animal rights. While it's nice to talk to like minded vegan people and be validated that way, if we want to spread veganism we need to get with people who AREN'T yet vegan.


Maybe we can make some educational info directed specifically at people who work in animal rescue?

Barbara, that's a great response and I'm very glad to hear about the progress you've made. I also wish more dog and cat rescuers would consider the bigger issues and challenge speciesism, but as you say it takes time and patience. (Something I don't have much of, I'm sorry to say.)


Based on Nath's posting history, though, clearly his intention here isn't to promote vegan choices or an antispeciesist ethic. He's bizarrely chosen to single out no-kill groups as the big speciesists ... as if "kill shelters" did hold vegan fundraisers! As if there were anything antispeciesist about killing homeless nonhumans just because they're homeless or just because they're too expensive to treat. There's speciesism in both kinds of organizations, but I think it's fair to say no-kill advocates have taken a step forward and are likely to be more receptive.

That is great news! It comes as a surprise to me because rescue organizations have to raise funds to carry out their rescue work ... even if they're concerned about speciesism, I would have thought they'd be afraid to alienate potential donors by being too open about it.

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